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Like blood, sweat, sperm, saliva, “Sécrétions Magnifiques” is as real as an olfactory coitus that sends one into raptures, to the pinnacle of sensual pleasure, that extraordinary and unique moment when desire triumphs over reason. Masculine tenseness frees a rush of adrenalin in a cascade of high-pitched aldehydic notes. The sensation of freshness is gripping. Then the fragrance reveals a metallic side, precise and as sharp as unappeased desire. We are on a razor-edge… skin and sweat mingle, and tastes of musk and sandalwood. The slightly salty marine effect stirs, arouses, and sets your mouth watering. Tongues and sexes find one another, pleasure explodes and all goes wild. Confusion reigns supreme. A subversive, disturbing perfume. It’s love or hate at first sight. Sensuous jousting is rarely satisfied with half-measures… In between Don Juan and the woman who offers herself, arms are laid down… Who will be the first to surrender?

Etat Libre d'Orange Secretions Magnifiques

  • Eau de Parfum

  • Iodized Accord (Fucus, Azurone), Adrenaline Accord, Blood Accord, Milk Accord, Orris, Coconut, Sandalwood, Opoponax

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